Week 6: Alpha

After our original early implementation of the tutorial level, one of the main points of feedback that was received was that there was too much information in the tutorial, and very difficult to follow for new players. Thus, we decided to entirely revamp the tutorial level, and split it into 3 levels for it to be more digestible for new players. We also decided to move NPCS tutorials into the levels themselves to spread out the info dumped upon the player. 

Another piece of feedback we received was that the UI could be more convenient, since our old implementation required the user to cycle through the different colours to see how much of that paint they had. In this update, we changed the UI to include the amount of paint the player had for each colour in a diamond shape with their correlated element icons for colourblind support. 

In this update we added some more assets given to us by our modelers and music team, as well as implementing the functionality for the unpaintable black block we discussed in the week prior.

Some images of the new block models implemented:

Since Reading Week has just begun, production on the game has wound down a bit, but we will aim to pick things back up in preparation for the Feedback-Adjusted Build.


Alpha.zip 52 MB
Nov 09, 2021

Get Paint-Walker

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